
Showing posts from November, 2021

Speaker Gudelines March 27th 2021

                Saving Our Future Generations                         ‘Fit4 Purpose’        Speakers Guidelines   Each speaker has a maximum of 10 minutes to deliver their speech Each speaker is responsible for their own timekeeping, We ask that each speaker respect this platform and the other speakers by staying within their time limit.    Each speaker, when done, will introduce the next speaker, there is no interim To the right you will find the speaking order, please get familiar with the name of the speaker that will be after you.   Thank you for all for following the guidelines of this event.     OUR FORWARD THINKERS:  Unisa Kamara Founder of Black Lion Entertainment and Kamara Homes in America. Unisa relocated to the UK to be a hands-on father, created Kamara & Kamara WorkShops and Kamara Youths, hosts two tv shows, work with FoxStar Film Productions, Actor, Advocates for the youths and charities all over the world.   Also an inspirati